Saturday, September 29, 2018


I've had this quilt in the works for a few weeks now. I got an invitation for a friend's baby shower last week, and I knew it was meant to go to her. My friend has been praying and hoping for a baby and they were recently blessed through adoption. I'm soooo happy for them. This one just feels extra special, you know?

Anyway, the pattern is Shimmer from Cluck Cluck Sew. I love her stuff and three cheers for no Y seams! I timed myself and I could whip out a block in about 30 minutes.

I went back and forth on backing for ages, but settled in my comfort zone. Polka dots are always easy. I matched the pattern and hid the seam. You can't even tell (patting myself on the back for that one).

 I threw it way back and stippled this quilt. I haven't stippled in...6-7 years? I forget how fast it is! It only took me 25 minutes to finish the entire thing. 

 I did the Elmer Glue basting and machine bound it. I usually like to hand bind, but I was pushed for time this week. Baby showers act as great deadlines. :)

 Isn't this dolly the sweetest? My mom gifted it to my daughter for her first birthday and I love her so much. I'm forcing it on my baby as a comfort item because I think it's so darling. 

Stats: 42" square
Fabric: mostly Sweet Marion by April Rosenthal, Navy blue anchors from Sarah Jane, and the light blue mushrooms are from Fantasia by Sara Lawson
Batting: Warm and Natural

Monday, September 24, 2018

Raspberry Kisses

Simple quilts are my favorite. I stumbled upon this Raspberry Kiss block ages ago. If you're looking for a pretty simple block, this one is great. I did a little color play with this one, graduating from dark to light.

Walmart backing again. Shhh, don't tell my hard-core quilting friends. 

I have been hoarding this Tiger Lily fabric for ages. Can Heather Ross do anything wrong? I think not.

I decided to keep it soft with some minimal ditch quilting. 

Striped binding again. I made like 80 yards. I bound this quilt, then gave the rest away to my quilting friend for her birthday. Who doesn't love pre-made bias binding?

I put this quilt in my local County Fair and it got second in the baby quilts division (don't get too excited, it's a small county fair). After submitting entries for 8 years, the nice older lady judges are getting to know my style. I'm the only younger quilter to enter. They commented that they liked the mix of background whites on this one. They also commented that I forgot to wash off all my blue marking pen on the quilting lines. Oopsies.

This one was gifted to a dear friend who just had her first baby girl. I figured a pink explosion quilt would be a great way to break her into the world of little girls. With three of my own, I'm a bit of an expert.