Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Walk in the Woods

Once in a while I find fabric that is just so perfect for someone that I can't resist buying it and making something out of it. I was browsing on Etsy for another project when I stumbled upon this Front Yard fabric from Cotton+Steel back in December. I wasn't originally planning on making a quilt to give away for Christmas but it was so perfect for my sister in law, I just couldn't say no. She lives in the forests of the Pacific Northwest and likes all things woodsy (especially mushrooms), and so I snagged it. 

Given the weird time crunch I had put myself in (I had two other Christmas quilts on my to do list), I decided on a very simple pattern, letting the prints shine. I also wanted something cozy so I tried backing with Minky for the first time. It was super smooth, like too easy actually. I'm calling it serendipitous. After reading this blog post, I decided to leave the batting out and go fo a more drapey light lap quilt. 

I kept the quilting simple with straight lines because I didn't want to fight that backing. 

I like machine binding Minky quilts because the stitches are kind of hidden on the back. It's very forgiving.

 It's seriously so soft. I just cut out different lap quilt for my house and I think I'll back it in the same stuff because I love it so much. 

Off to it's new home, with the cutest mushroom ornament ever. I'm happy to report that the new owner loooooves it and sends me regular pictures of it being used and loved. :)

Fabric: Front Yard by Cotton + Steel with some blenders thrown in
Backing: "Soft N Comfy" Minky fabric from Joann's
Binding: ? 
No batting

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Every Star is Different

I finished this one ages ago, but I'm just getting around to posting it. My sister always donates a gingerbread house to Primary Children's Festival of Trees every year in Salt Lake City, Utah. They sell everything on display (mostly trees, but some gingerbread, wreaths and quilts, etc.) and donate all the proceeds to Primary Children's Hospital. I read somewhere that over 100,000 visitors come to see and bid on everything, raising millions of dollars. Anyway, it's a great cause.

I was chatting with my sister in November and she suggested that I enter a quilt. I didn't even know they accepted quilts! I didn't have much time to plan (uh, one week), so I stuck with a pattern I already knew. Shimmer by Cluck Cluck Sew.

I used fabric I could find at my local quilt shop. It's all from the Smitten line by Bonnie and Camille. 

This backing is so luscious. It's a super light lawn, and it's so drapey and buttery. Nom. 

I did figure eight quilting because it's the new stipple, but it looks a bit more modern. 

I mailed it off to my sister and never saw it again. Haha. Hundreds of quilts are donated, and mine wasn't displayed, so they put it in the gift shop/boutique area. I asked a very nice woman working there if she had seen it (I showed her a picture) and she said, "Oh that definitely sold the first night!" So that made me feel good. 

I want to enter another one again next year, when I have a bit more time to plan.

42" square
Fabric: Smitten by Bonnie and Camille
Batting: Warm and Natural
Backing: Creamy Rosy Lawn, from Smitten
Binding: Vintage Holiday Cotton Red and Pink Dot by Bonnie and Camille