Saturday, May 30, 2015

Mischief Managed

Let's talk fabric management. I keep mine in drawers like this. I use homemade card stock inserts to guide my folding. Anything that won't fit on a card goes into color coded scrap bins. But the organization ends there. It's a huge mess.

 I just read this blog post and I am trying a new system. Instead of having overflowing, unfolded and all sized scrap bins, I am going to try to cut them into strips: 1.5", 2.5", 3.5" and 5". That way, they're easy to grab and use when I need them.

I've also started on my Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along. It's so nice to just grab one of those pre-cut strips and go at it. I'm hoping to bust through tons of my scraps. (PS, those six inch blocks are tiny. I don't know how she makes them look so nice)

Friday, May 29, 2015

Star Wars and Stuff

Sometimes I would rather sew than try to shop for a gift. My Star Wars loving nephew just turned six, so I thought I'd make him something. I usually don't go all out for gifts like this, but he's special.

 Paper piecing (on a small scale) is FUN. I loved it. I found the patterns here.

My quilting sister in law sent me the backing. Thanks, Net. 
I always slap a zipper in the middle of the back. My envelope backings always look wonky, and not in a good way.

 The pattern I used calls for drawing eyes on Yoda, but I opted for wonky buttons. Much cuter. 

We don't have a lot of boy stuff in this house. I think it needs a new (less girly) home. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Quilty Barn Runner

I live on a diary farm, so this was a no-brainer. This table runner was actually a gift for my Sister in Law's birthday (I also made one for my Mother in Law for Mother's day). I was kind of sad to give it away, but I knew she would love it. And she did. I need to start keeping things! I give everything away. 

I found the barn block here, and liked it so much that I ordered her book. I'm planning on doing a huge scrappy sampler this summer. And keeping it!

Stippled because I was on a deadline, and it was fast. I think straight line would be pretty too.

Striped, of course.

You can customize each barn with a 6" block of your choosing.
Those teeny HST's finish at 1"!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Baby Pow Wow

I gave away a quilt at a baby shower this weekend, and one of my friends asked, "Are you keeping track of all the quilts you give away?" I've taken pictures of almost all of them, but I needed a home to house them all: enter Little House on the Dairy.

Quilting is just a hobby, especially while my kids are little. But if I get time to document it, it will be here. So, welcome.


Baby Pow Wow. Pattern here. I feel like I'm a year behind everyone else in the quilting world, but whatever. I love this quilt. And it came together so fast! Like start to finish in two days.

 My four year old is just tall enough for this task. Won't be the last time.

 Trying to be a little more carefree with my fabric choices, less match matchy.

 I made 80 yards of this striped bias binding. It just keeps on giving and giving. I love not having to make binding at the end. It's such a treat to just go pick it out, already made.

I just counted and this is my 8th (!!) quilt finish of the year. Not to mention three easter dresses, one quilted pillow, and one quilted table runner.
