Let's talk fabric management. I keep mine in drawers like this. I use homemade card stock inserts to guide my folding. Anything that won't fit on a card goes into color coded scrap bins. But the organization ends there. It's a huge mess.
I just read this blog post and I am trying a new system. Instead of having overflowing, unfolded and all sized scrap bins, I am going to try to cut them into strips: 1.5", 2.5", 3.5" and 5". That way, they're easy to grab and use when I need them.
I've also started on my Farm Girl Vintage Sew Along. It's so nice to just grab one of those pre-cut strips and go at it. I'm hoping to bust through tons of my scraps. (PS, those six inch blocks are tiny. I don't know how she makes them look so nice)